

Kamis, 03 Maret 2016

Bismillah "LAGI"


Iya bismillah lagi, dalam rangka ikut2an cowo gue yang ma mulai ngeblog lagi, iyaa gue jadi ikut2an. Iyaa emang gue latahan, emang mauan ahahaha. #apasiknad

Well, mulai dari mana yahh, oia postingan kemaren (kemaren kapan??) *ya pokoknya kemaren2 lah* . waktu itu gue lg nyari kerja, dann skrg udh dpt kerja dong, sesuai mau gue sih di majalah walaupun bukan sebagai Editor malah sebagai staff payroll yang kerjaannya ngurusin gaji karyawan #ditimpukkaryawanMI. Gue skrg kerja di Media Indonesia #wedeehhh iyaa bagian payroll, divisi Hrd, ga nyambung kan sama jurusan kuliah gue? Iya emang ga nyambung #namanyajugaNadya

Jadi itu foto depan pintu ruangan gue. Coba dulu di post

 Itu ruangannya doang,  ini kantornya, iya kita satu grup sama Metro TV. Btw anak CEO nya ganteng. #gagalfokus

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2015

Coba posting blog pake android

Elahh gaya benerr, hahaha pake android ga pake leptop, karna ribet, ini coba doang kok beneran deh hahah dan maaf kalo kebanyakan typonya soalnya jempol gw kegedean dan ga sesuai ama hp -,-

Senin, 02 Februari 2015

Dimulai dengan Bismillah

iya, kaya judul postingan diatas, dimulai dengan Bismillah.
niat awalnya mau mulai ngeblog setelah blog ini dibuat khusus untuk cari nilai dari tugas kuliah waktu semester 4, dipikir-pikir kok sayang kalo ga dilanjutin hahaha *mupeng. berarti ini blog udah ga kepake berapa lama inih? semester 4 dan skrg gue udh selesai sidang skripsi *ehem* iya sidang skripsi bahahahah, yaa kurang lebih mah 3 semester kali yah, banyak hal2 penting dan i dont know what should i read, -____________-  
i have no ideaa KZL hahaha 
oia sekarang gw dalam rangka mencari pekerjaan, entahlah tapi minat gw pengennya mah jadi editor majalah secara ya kan, gw kuliah 3,5 tahun, iyaaa 3,5 tahun dijurusan IT hahahah, ga nyambung yah? yah namanya juga kepengennya yakann.. asudahlahh, postingan hari ini udah dulu deh, kayanya udah berlembar2 dan ratusan ribu kata udah gw tulis di blog ini, inshaAllah next postingan bakalan bahas skripsi gw yang, subhanallah sekali -,- 

PS: postingannya ternyata cuma 152 kata (serius gw itung sendiri pake tangan, kalo ga percaya itung lagi ajaa) 

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

jeans fashion 2013

Jeans have become a 'must have item' in everyday clothing choices. Although identical in blue, jeans now have a lot of variety of colors and models. As to whether the trend jeans for 2013 in the world and Indonesia?

"Printed jeans will also be a trend in Indonesia even today not much, but chances are there until the end of the year," said Angelina Handayani the discussion "Jeans for All: American Icon" at @ america in Jakarta on Wednesday night.

Additionally, skinny jeans are still going to be an idol, said graduate Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Los Angeles.

Not only the sheer blue, dark shades of bright colored jeans, or ombre is also predicted to be loved this year, he added.
Shabby impression still favored as part of the appeal of jeans. Ripped and tattered jeans, pants with a tear and a touch of shabby impression, are still going to be your favorite pants lovers who originally used by Americans when the first miner was. Same thing with accent patches on jeans.

"Polkadot also going to be a trend," said Angelina, shows a picture of blue jeans decorated with tiny white polka-dot accents.

choose the hijab according to face shape

Wearing hijab is not simply just love going to a particular motif or follow trends only. You have to know beforehand what your face shape before choosing to wear hijab.

In addition to closing aurat, hijab should also be adjusted to the shape of the face in order to help correct facial. For instance, if you have a round face, you can make it look more gaunt or if your face is square, you can smooth the sides he said.

1. Square face shapes

If have a square face shape, the bottom line is you need to disguise the corners so that the face looks more smooth and not too firm.

* Choose a pashmina made ​​from chiffon or which expands and contains so as to provide a more rounded impression of the face.

2. Round face shape

If you have a round face shape, the hood Turkey is the most suitable subject. Turkish style will make the face appear longer.

* Avoid wearing ninja forehead too close so as not to make the face look more round. Use layers pashmina that disguise the face and pulling her down.

3. Oval face shape

Well, for those of you who have an oval face, you need to fix to make the face look more narrow and contained. For that reason, avoid wearing Turkish style, but choose to cover most inner area of ​​the forehead.

* Choose pashmina cotton is thicker so the face looks fuller.

 #Choose a motif hijab which one?

For hijab motif itself, there are several things to note.

1 # small flower motif would seem more neutral than the big florals. Large floral motif will make the face look fuller.

2 # avoid choosing a motif or a round object with a large size polka dots, especially for those of you who have a round face.

mix your color with your style

Fashion today is just one of the many ways we, as individuals are able to express our unique personalities. Using color to express ourselves is one of the most common and unique ways to go about showing the outside world who we really are. While it is impossible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to tell someone how to use color to express their creativity and unique sense of style, the following loose guidelines may help in choosing the colors and patterns that most closely resemble your style that you would like to portray.
Contrasting Colors
Contrasting colors in fashion are one of the more bold statements you can make with your style. Oftentimes, black and white are the most common contrasting colors seen, but there are other bold choices as well. Some other bold, contrasting color schemes include blue and orange and purple and yellow. While these colors make quite a statement, it is imperative that they be worn correctly in order to look professional, fun, and put together rather than like a clown that just entered the Barnum & Bailey's Circus. Black and white is a no-brainer way to go if you are in a rush and don't have the time to devote to choosing a coordinating outfit. I do suggest, though, that a splash of color be added to a black and white ensemble to represent your personal statement more closely. Perhaps you choose to accessorize with bold pink jewelry, or a classy pair of red heels.
If, however, you choose to take the more bold route and go with purple/yellow or orange/blue, I recommend a more subtle approach. Maybe you wear a purple sweater with your favorite pair of jeans and accessorize it with a bold piece of gold jewelry like a long, chunky necklace. Or maybe you choose a pair of navy pants and camisole with a peach cardigan. The key to using contrasting colors to your advantage is to remain subtle - the colors will speak for themselves.
Play on the Season
Another way to use color that I have found effective is to build your ensemble around the season. A chocolate brown skirt with a sage green sweater would be more appropriate for fall than summer, while a baby blue skirt with yellow jacket would be more appropriate for spring. While it may sound risky, the key is to use the most common colors found during that particular season. Keep in mind, though, that you do not want to go overboard with this color combination and risk looking like a giant Easter egg or Christmas tree. If in doubt, replace

what it branded bags

I'm sure that we know about baranded bag like hermes, hermes birkins, channel, louis vitton, D&G, furla and etc, but a wide range of branded bags on the market sometimes does not guarantee good quality. You have to be highly selective and well understand the kind of quality available in the market for this kind of branded bags. so, its the different things 

1. Branded Bag Kw Super
For bags with super quality is certainly giving the impression of a very exclusive because this type of bag will take you to spend some of the contents of your savings. But you do not have to hesitate because of the high prices certainly provide outstanding quality. This bag has a high quality genuine leather without the use of synthetic leather, so it will no doubt grace. Sometimes you will also find one of these super quality bags and canvas Lack Quality guaranteed for brands and categories (LV, Gucci, etc.). Some of these products have a very close stitching neatness original bag even without genuine leather.
In general, super quality branded bags has a layer that varies throughout the bag, so it is not all made of velvet. It still depends on the brand and the category you choose. To give the impression of exclusivity, usually fabulous bag is definitely equipped with Cover, Certificate and also the number Serinya. Usually the bags are expensive and quality is shipped directly from Korea and Hong Kong as a manufacturer of well-known branded bags.

2. Branded Bag Kw 1
The second option is branded bags branded handbags with top quality but still below the type of super quality bags because the basic material used was made ​​of synthetic leather. Maybe you will be very difficult to distinguish the super quality bags for the model and Brand was almost the same. Bag with KW1 quality also tend to be expensive because it presented a very neat stitching and strong. Produks bags are usually imported and manufactured from Korea and China.

3. Branded  Bag Kw 2
For branded handbags quality is still below the super quality bags and KW1, but it would be a good option because you will enjoy a luxurious feel of the brand that carries it. Usually this kind of bag made ​​of synthetic leather as KW1 quality bags, but the differences were sometimes visible seams.
Tinkerbell Purple Glitter Wings